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Distance Business Program
政府推出第二輪抗疫基金,幫助企業利用創新科技開拓遙距業務,每間企業可獲最多HK$300,000資助,10個工作天內即有申請結果。So Creative將為你打造專屬的網上營銷策略,幫助你在網上拓展業務,接觸更多潛在客群。立即聯絡我們,為申請做好準備!
The HKSAR Government has launched the 2nd round of anti-epidemic fund to help enterprises adopt IT solutions for developing distance business. Each enterprise may receive a maximum of HK$300,000, and application results will be released in 10 working days. In order to expand your online business and reach more potential customers, So Creative will develop tailor-made digital marketing strategies for you. Contact us now and get your fund application ready!
[Application starts on 18th May]
I want to apply for the D-Biz Fund!
遙距營商計劃 FAQ
申請日期 | Application Period2020年5月18日起(細節有待生產力促進局宣布) 18 May 2020 (Details to be announced)
資助金額 | Funding Amount每個資訊科技方案連同僱員的培訓開支的資助額最高為10萬港元(相關培訓開支的資助上限為資訊科技方案開支的10%),而每間企業可獲最高30萬港元總額資助,進行為期最長六個月的資助項目。 For each IT solution and the relevant training expenses for the employees, the funding ceiling is HK$100,000 (with funding for the relevant training expenses capped at 10 per cent of the IT solution cost). Each enterprise may receive total funding of up to HK$300,000 to undertake a project to be completed within six months.
資助金額發放 | Disbursement申請獲批後,企業可獲發放30%的資助金額。當項目完成及證明文件獲接納後,企業可獲發放餘下資助金額。 An enterprise will be disbursed a payment of 30% of the funding amount after the application has been approved. Upon completion of the project and after the supporting documents are accepted, the remaining funding amount will be disbursed to the enterprise.
申請資格 | Eligibility所有私營企業(不包括上市公司、法定機構和接受公帑資助的非政府機構)如持有有效商業登記證、在今年1月1日前已經開業,並於提交申請時仍在與申請項目相關的行業有實質業務運作,即符合申請資格。 All private enterprises (excluding publicly listed companies, statutory bodies and non-government organisations funded by the Government) with a valid Business Registration Certificate, ongoing business commenced before 1 January 2020 and with substantive business operation in the industry related to the project in the application at the time of application are eligible.
參考資料 | Reference Information計劃將提供「資訊科技服務供應商參考名單」,為企業提供相關的市場資訊作參考之用。首批參考名單將於5月15日上載計劃網頁,其後會定期更新。 更多詳細資料: The Programme will provide an IT Service Providers Reference List ( the "Reference List") to offer relevant market information for enterprises’ reference. The Reference List with the first batch of service providers will be available on 15 May 2020 on the Programme website and will be updated regularly thereafter. For more details on the programme:
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